Page 8 - WatsomApp MediaKit 2017
P. 8

The  World Day                                       Twenty-four hours   and to point out those with whom they
        Against Bullying              “                      a day, seven days   don’t interact, the team captain, the
        is held on May        Children who are bullied       a week.  Relent-   class leader, etc.
        2 , an  initiative   feel afraid, they lose their    lessly. We  know
        started in 2013 by   conf idence and don’t want      our enemies; they   In order to keep their interest in re-
        the NGO Bullying                                     are silent and eva-  sponding  to  the  questionnaire  and
        Without Borders.    to go to school. This can lead   sive, and so  we   to guarantee spontaneity in their an-
        Much work  has          to serious depression        don’t see them     swers, the programme stimulates their
        been carried out                                     coming.            attention by interspersing games that
        since then to fight                                                     also provide  information,  among  oth-
        this world pandemic ruining the child-  That is  why  WatsomApp takes the   er things, about group dynamics, the
        hood of millions of students in schools   spotlight, an online portal  where all   social standing of each person in their
        across the world, claiming the lives of   the students in the same year can play   year and any isolation or integration
        at least 200 children every year. How-  “The  Friendship  Game” at the same   problems that may be taking place.
        ever, 90% of educational centres in   time. How they interact in the game will
        our country have serious issues  with   supply  valuable information that  will   The latest-generation  IBM  Artificial
        conflict  amongst  its  student  body.   make it possible to measure potential   Intelligence software analyses all the
        Thinking of them,  WatsomApp has    risk in the classroom or to detect spe-  answers and creates a complete flow
        designed the first online method that   cific problems, such as social isolation   chart of roles  that makes it possible
        combines gamification and artificial in-  or gender-based segregation.   to understand, with a high rate of re-
        telligence, aiming to stand up against                                  liability, which children are being bul-
        bullying.                           STAGE 1                             lied, who their bullies are and who is a
                                            Without noticing it,  the parties to the   potential victim of future bullying. And,
        Every day victims are attacked phys-  conflict  —victim,  bully,  and  active  or   although  we  are talking about odds
        ically and/or  verbally, by  way of in-  passive  observers—  give  themselves   here, the software learns from the ex-
        sults, threats, mockery, repression,   away by participating in “The Friends-  perience and therefore the possibility
        rejection... School  yards and social   hip Game”. They start by creating their   of error decreases over time.
        media are the comfort zones of bullies   own avatar, opening the door to their
        and those covering up for them; those   self-esteem.  Then, a series of  ques-  STAGE 2
        same school  yards and social media   tions asks them to choose their friends   The second stage of the WatsomApp
        are a hellish nightmare for the victims.   from among the remaining avatars   model is  personal interaction  with ar-
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